Vacuum pump oil has been a part of this machinery world since 1866 as a result of an accident while performing different experiments to get distilled kerosene. The minds behind the brilliant discovery were Hiram Bond Everest and Matthew Ewing of America. Later it became one of the most credible standard oils in the oil industry.
Vacuum pump oil is considered a critical part of a vacuum system. Though it is said the word “oil” is a bit misnomer and it is because the modern pump oil technology has progressed much beyond the original distilled petroleum products. Currently, the availability of vacuum pump oil have increased to double- distilled oils, triple-distilled oils, silicone-based synthetic oils, low sulfur oils, hydro treated oils, and flushing oils to clean the pumps. Because of its variation and formulations, the products are now referred as vacuum pump “fluids” rather than vacuum pump “oils”.
The role of vacuum pump oil is very significant in the machinery world, but to increase the lifespan of the machinery, regular oil change in pump is needed. Vacuum pump oil is the versatile constituent inside the pump’s structure. It performs multitasking by lubricating the pumping apparatus as well as accumulating contaminants and moisture from the evacuated systems. In simple words, we can say that vacuum pump oil keeps the pump well functioned.
The vacuum pumps don’t have filters, therefore after a particular period of time, the oil inside becomes contaminated and eventually reduces the pump’s efficiency. Once the oil reaches its saturation level, no more moisture will be absorbed by it. Again, if the oil contaminates, after a time it turns into sludge that eventually reduces pump efficiency. The contaminated and saturated Pump Oil doesn’t lubricate properly and tends to wear out the pumping apparatus. Replacing the oil of a vacuum pump is vital, to ensure smooth running of the pump.
In the following, let us learn a few tips on how to change vacuum pump oil proficiently without hampering the machine.
- The procedure of changing the vacuum pump oil starts with draining the existing oil left in the pump while it’s hot. Do not wait for the pumps to cool down because in cooler condition, moisture and contaminates starts to separate causing the contaminants to cling to the walls. Later, again when new oil is refilled in the pump, the remnant contaminants will mix and the condition will remain same.
- During the drainage of oil, make sure no contaminated oil is trapped inside the machine. Let the vacuum pump sit likewise for some time to roll out all the dirty oil. In the later stage, dispose the contaminated oil properly.
- After the drainage of oil, open the intake and run the vacuum pump for 5-10 seconds, then switch it off.
- Finally, add new oil to the vacuum system. While filling the pump, remember that vacuum oil created differ from each other. For instance, mineral-based vacuum pump oil is refined and manufactured for low vapor pressure and the pump works despite the type of oil used to drive the system.
On following the aforementioned points, you can maintain the decorum of the vacuum pump for a longer time and in return will also receive a continuous return on the pump’s investment for years to come.